How to Make Money from Your Music in 2020! - EDM Tips

How to Make Money from Your Music in 2020!


Here are 8 ways to make money from your music in 2020! If you want to get paid for your music, keep 100% of your streaming royalties, or learn how to start making $1000s today with the resources you already have, I’ll show you how to make money from music production online today.

How to sell music has changed so much over the past 10 years, but it’s still possible to make a living from your music without being a world-famous superstar.

The caveat is, to make money from your music you DO have to be able to produce great-sounding music! If you have been producing for a year or so, and want to get to the next level, check out my Masterclass here.

If you want to sell your music on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Pandora, Deezer, etc. or earn money in other ways, I’ll show you how in this video…

Here’s the link to Distrokid (Get 7% off if you sign-up using my custom link. Disclaimer: I do get a small commission if you use this link.):

8 Ways to Make Money from Your Music This Year

1. Release your own music

Because the industry has changed so much over the last few decades – you don’t need a big label to get out there and start making money from your music.

The way that you do this online is to use a distributor. I use “Distrokid” – it’s really good – like $20 for the year – and what you do is that you upload your music to this located with the artwork and the release date that you want and then Distrokid it will put that music on the different streaming platforms like Spotify Apple music and Amazon music. They do the rest, so they will create your pages on Spotify (and wherever), and once those are created with your music up there, you can just promote that as per usual, and then you get all the royalties from streaming. #winning.

EDM pro tip: Distrokid is a good option if you don’t want to sign to a label. If you DO want to sign to a label, you can check out my tutorial on that here.

2. Engineer other people’s music

If you are mixing or mastering other people’s music that is a great way to make a few hundred dollars here or there – even if you’re just doing this as a sideline project. The way that you do that is you
connect to people in facebook groups (and other online communities). You do need some kind of track record to do this, so even if you’ve got a couple of tracks on
SoundCloud that sound really good (they’re mixed well and they’re mastered well), there are always people looking for good mixing and mastering engineers.

Go on these Facebook groups or subreddits and just reach out to people. Offer your services (don’t be spammy), and quite often you will get some bites. This is something I’ve always done as a kind of a sideline, as well as producing my own music.

3. Remixing

So again, this is similar to the last in so much as that you reach out to people – you have a couple of tracks that they like BUT there’s an extra bonus with remixing; you can also enter remix competitions.

I’ve won £1000s from entering remix competitions in the past, and got management deals and record deals, but the only thing is it’s quite saturated now. There are lots of remix competitions out there, but there are also lots of people entering the remix competitions (so I’ll make a tutorial on how to actually win remix competitions).

If you are doing remixes remix for artists – unless you’ve got some sort of a following you’re probably not going to get paid (or, if you do get paid, you’re not going to get paid much) – so if you’ve got a following of your own already then you can charge more.

4. DJing and/or live gigs

The fourth way that you can make money from your music this year is to gig; to get out play your music live or play DJ sets. This is a great way to make some money each and every week (if you get a regular gig) and you’re going to get better at your craft AND you’re going to learn what people want and what works well in a crowd.

The way you can do that if you don’t know anyone, is start attending some gigs in your area (in this style of music that you like), get to know the promoters, show up there, support the night and you start to build relationships.

This is the best way to do it if you don’t have a following.

If you’re going to make money from your music in 2020 give me a hell yeah in the comments below and make that commitment because it’s all about the mindset! If you’ve got that in your mind then you can take the actions that you need to do it! 😀

5. Merchandise

Now this is something you can’t really do unless you’ve built a bit of a following (so I’ll make a tutorial on that as well), but if you’re selling things like t-shirts and hoodies for 15 / 20 bucks at a time,
that can be a nice way to make some more money on the side.

Again you do need a bit of a following for that (maybe 20 or 30 thousand followers – just a core fanbase of people who really love your music), and if you’re doing gigs as well you can sell merchandise there.

It’s also so easy to sell it online now from your own online shop (using WooCommerce or something similar).

6. Collecting Royalties from Your Music

I you sign up with a company like PRS, what happens is that you register your music when you’ve made it and you’ve released it, and then every time it gets played anywhere you are going to
accrue royalties for that. They will pay you those royalties, so make sure that you do that if you are intending to make any money from your music.

Sign up to something like PRS (or the equivalent organization in your country, because
there are different companies all over the world that do this)

7. Selling sample and preset packs

The seventh way you can make money from your music this year is to sell beats online, so if you register with a website like ADSR, for instance, you can actually sell sample packs or preset packs.

You can also sell them from your own website as well.

They do have to be good but if you love sound design then this is a great way to make money from your beats.

8. Ghostwriting

This is something that I love to do (even though it gets a lot of flack), but ghostwriting can be a great way to get paid either a sum upfront, or to get royalties on a track.

If you find a DJ who is prominent and they’re on the up-and-up and they need someone to help them produce this can be a great way for you to: Make money, hone your production
skills, get accountability deadlines for working, AND make contacts in the industry.

If you’re not all about the ego (you know, if you don’t need the fame and stuff), it’s a great fun great way to make some money.


There are a lot of options available to you! Be creative, be bold in reaching out and providing value, and keep on practising your craft and improving! You HAVE to be good for any of these techniques to really work.

Watch the video tutorial of this here:

Follow me on Instagram here:

If you’re going to make money from your music in 2020 give me a hell yeah in the comments below and make that commitment because it’s all about the mindset! If you’ve got that in your mind then you can take the actions that you need to do it! 😀

Until next week, cheers and happy producing!



About the Author

My name's Will Darling. I've been making and playing dance music for over 25 years, and share what I've learnt on EDM Tips. Get in touch on Facebook.

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