March 2023 - EDM Tips

Monthly Archives: March 2023

Ableton Automation that Music Porducers Actually Use

Amazing Ableton Automation Tricks PRO Producers ACTUALLY Use

If your music lacks dynamics, movement, life and generally excitement or if you get stuck in an eight-bar loop and don’t know how to finish your track, this is for you! Ableton automation (or automation in any DAW), is one tool that every single professional music producer knows how to get the most from. Make sure to read to the end because the real power comes when you apply all of these techniques together.

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How to Write Catchy Melodies from Scratch (The Ultimate Guide)

This guide will show you how to make catchy melodies from scratch – the kind that your listeners won’t be able to forget! These techniques work even if you don’t know music theory – and they work for any genre of modern and electronic music.

We go into every step of the melody-writing process from…

  • Defining the vibe
  • Choosing a scale
  • Writing a bass line
  • Building a chord progression
  • Writing the ideal melody for your track
  • How to make your melodies evocative and unique
  • Common mistakes producers make when it comes to writing melodies
  • Tips and tricks that the professionals use to get their melodies really catchy and really memorable. 

I’m also going show you something I haven’t seen on any other tutorials – how to create effective counter melodies – which will really make your track stand out, so let’s get to it…

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